Friday, July 5, 2013

For you

" So we don't look at the troubles we can see now, rather we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever. "
2 Corinthians 4:11 

I want you to stop reading this for a second and read the entire chapter (chapter 4) if you don't want to read it before reading this, at least read it after. Oh how difficult it is to hold on to hope when facing troubles. At times we look around at our situation, troubles and trials we face and we want to give up. We want to stop trying, stop fighting...sometimes even...stop living. As a professional trained in psychology and counseling I have seen it. Unfortunately, many people either don't want to talk about the fact that they may have suicidal thoughts because of embarrassment or fear of appearing weak. Many people have thoughts about "not waking up" more than you think... it's an issue that needs to be addressed and talked about. But that's another blog. 

Life is not easy. I wish it was at times. There are many times I too feel like giving up. As I sit here and write this after reflecting on a conversation I had with a friend earlier I recall my broken moments. The days it was impossible for me to eat because I cried so much. The nights I tossed and turned because turning my brain off was seemingly impossible. The nights I took sleep aids to get some rest. The days I wish I could just sleep., curled up on the living room floor in tears because the burden was too heavy and I did not know where to begin. The moments I hated looking at myself in the mirror because all I saw was sin, mistake after mistake, rejection and hurt. I look at my life now and although it is FAR from perfect, I have seen so much growth and improvement. Nobody but God. My heart goes out to anyone who is hurting tonight and I know someone, somewhere feels like giving up. 

Maybe you are walking with Christ or trying to and you feel like you are not good enough. Your sin is too great, your past too dirty to make changes. Maybe you are looking at other people's walk and unhappy with yourself because you are not there yet (wherever they are or appear to be) or maybe you are struggling with being "perfect" and pleasing everyone around you. Perhaps you are struggling with emotions or just downright sick and tired of living in this world. Feelings of frustration, stress, guilt, being overwhelmed are consuming you. 

The battle has already been won. Nobody can destroy what God has already accomplished in you. I repeat, NOBODY and NOTHING can destroy what God has already accomplished in you and wants to DO IN YOU, WITH YOU and FOR YOU. REST. Our heavenly father sent his one and only Son for us! Because of him we can fix our eyes on something we cannot see during our hard times...spending eternity with him someday. We have to remember that our troubles we face now will not last forever. Greater is he that is in you. Repeat it over and over until it sticks. 

If all of our lives were perfect there would be no need for faith. At times I believe God allows certain things to take place and for us to feel a certain way so that we can remember that we NEED him...that he and he alone should be what we depend on the most. At times i get lonely (not as often now..but every once in awhile I do) I feel like nobody is listening to me or I don't quite know if I am being helpful or showing others the love of Christ. However, we can never see the seed that we plant as it grows. But one day... it becomes a plant..and we see it emerge.Praise God! You may think that you have not made progress. Quit looking at everyone else around you including your trials and keep those eyes focused on Jesus and your future home. It brings me such peace imagining my mansion up in heaven! Pure joy! 

Is it easy? Heck no! But just because it's not easy does that mean you should not try and do it? Absolutely not! It's time for us to quit living based on how we feel and start living on what we know! And what do you know? If you are a believer you know that Christ came and died for you. You know that he promised he will return for you to take you home. You know that God said, never will he leave you nor forsake you. You know that he honors those who honor him and no good thing he withholds from those whose walk is blameless. You know that he loves you...oh how he LOVES YOU! Cling to him. Cry out to him. There are many times when I get in my bag *taja voice* I talk to him real. It's always done in reverence but i'm honest..." Lord, I am really lonely right now, but i don't want to turn to anyone else in my me to turn to you." 

Why are we hiding from our Creator? Why can't we come to him as we are...broken, humiliated, rejected, stressed out, a train wreck, lonely and humbly bow down at his feet and say "MAKE ME OVER!" "Take the mess and junk from inside of me and pour more of YOU LORD into ME. I want YOU. ALL of YOU. " Heads hung low, hands raised high.. in total submission before the Father...thanking him for all he's done, all he's doing and what he's ABOUT TO DO! Because he wants to do some MAJOR things in you, with you and for you. Stay available. Open your heart. Tell the holy spirit to feed you. Abide in him and in his word NOT In your troubles, NOT in how you feel and NOT in what you SEE. Believe it. Believe him... I am praying for you. 
