Prayers and Questions

So often we view prayer as a LAST resort when all else fails. Praying to your heavenly father should always be at the forefront of your mind, when things are good and bad. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says, "Pray without ceasing". We should never stop praying. Prayer is simply communicating to God. Yes, he knows everything before you pray, but he wants to hear from you. He wants a relationship with you and depending on God during trying times will sustain you. I encourage you to pray on your own or/and with a group of godly, trusted friends/family members. However, if you don't have someone who can pray with and for you, I want to create a network of people here, including myself who can keep you uplifted in prayer. If you are in need of prayer please send me an email with your prayer request and I will post it on this site (without your personal information of course) so myself and others could join you in prayer.

Also, if you have general questions, the email option is available for that as well.


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