Monday, June 2, 2014

Dear God, please make me content

How often do we ask God to make us content with what we have or don't have? I know I don't ask that very often and if you are honest with yourself, I'm pretty sure you will admit that too. Let's face it, most of our prayers sound like this:

Lord please fix this...
Dear God, can you help me so I can get ....
God I really want this raise, please help me...
Dear God I need more....
Dear God please remove this...

You get the picture right? Most of our prayers involve us requesting God's help to give us something, remove a problem or change a situation whether it involves money, bills, jobs, relationships, friends/family, careers, education etc. I definitely don't want to make it seem like you're wrong for asking for God's help in your life. Jesus himself stated that we should keep asking, seeking and knocking and we will receive what we ask for, find what we are seeking and the door will be opened (Matthew 7:7), however the bible also sheds light on what we ask for. James 4:3 says,
"When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your own pleasures." 

When I'm praying for something or for someone, I only RECENTLY tested my motive for asking. Nto why are you praying for money? What will this money be used for? Nto why are you asking God to change this situation? For whose glory? His? or yours? So I challenge you reading this to do the same. Test your motives and your heart. I love psalm 139:23. It's a prayer that we all need to pray more.
"Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life. " 

And when you pray that, with a sincere heart, be prepared for God to show you and ask him for the strength to deal with what he reveals to you. But in addition to that prayer, I also believe praying for contentment is beautiful, but so lacking. Who prays, " Lord give me a heart that's content with what I have, where I am and what you're doing"? Yea that prayer is extremely easy if you're livin' it up and things are peachy! But what happens when you have more bills than money? When the doctor's report doesn't look the greatest and where you are in your current season isn't the most comfortable? Are you saying, I should still pray for contentment? Absolutely. Why? Because it's just that. A season. Temporary. And God could be working on you, preparing you for what's ahead. But the most important reason of them all is this: You, as a believer, have a secret that unbelievers don't have when going through a difficult season. That secret is Jesus. Philippians 4:13 says, 
For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.   

This is a scripture that a lot of people misuse. Oh I am going to win this game because I can do all things through Christ. Oh i'm going to work 80 hours this week so I can make more bread..because I can do all things through Christ. Ya'll get the point. The key to reading and understanding scripture is to read the surrounding passages for context. When Paul said that he was referring to contentment. Verse 12 says, " I know what it is to be in need , AND I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being CONTENT in ANY and EVERY situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or want. " THEN, he says, I can do all things through Christ. 

So you see, the secret to finding contentment in your current situation is Jesus. As you abide in him, he gives you the strength to face, deal with and resolve any and every situation. An uncomfortable situation with Jesus as your source and strength is much better than one without him. 

Godliness with contentment is great gain (1 timothy 6:8) This world is so temporary. We spend so much time and energy worrying and chasing things with no real value. When we die, our bank account, cars, houses and degrees won't do anything for us. I pray we all find contentment in our situations this week, especially the difficult seasons. I pray that you find the courage and strength to open your hearts to God and ask him to pour out his love, wisdom, strength and peace on you. I pray your prayers change from being solely ME-ME-ME driven and become prayers of gratitude, selfless prayers, prayers that lift his name up and give him permission to work in you and your loved ones life as he sees fit. 

He's faithful in his promises. Be blessed. 
