Saturday, August 23, 2014

All I see is $$$..

Enjoy what you have rather than desiring what you don't have. Just dreaming about nice things is meaningless-like chasing the wind. -Ecclesiastes 6:9 

These past few weeks my boyfriend, Micah (Hey babe :)) and I had talks about life, money, careers, purpose, and bills. I've said it before in blogs and I'll say it again---I can be a huge worry wart. Fear, anxiety and worry are major struggles of mine and to this day I still experience situations where I am overwhelmed and I need to practice surrendering to God daily. I don't want to present the picture that life is easy and Christians don't have problems. Life is NOT easy and Christians have problems (the enemy is like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. 1 peter 5:8) 

During these conversations Micah reminded me that God is and will always be our ultimate Provider. Provider with a capital P because it's that serious and I think it's a truth that many individuals, many professing Christians, including myself, have a hard time comprehending. We live in a world that screams " Go get it. Get that money. You need to work your butt off. Make your own way. Open your own doors. Look out for you first. Do what makes you happy. If it does not make you money you shouldn't do it. More money equals a happier life. Money solves everything." I could go on and on. We see or hear these messages 24/7 via the media or observing the lives of individuals who "appear" to have it altogether despite the fact that God's word says otherwise. 

I have a tendency at times to think like this... If only I had or I would do this if.."If only I had X amount of money I would be able to do X, Y, or Z. I sure do hope that I get *insert whatever you desire someday here* in a few years." It may seem harmless, but this type of thinking can set you up for some serious problems, specifically discontentment and falling away from God and pursuing your own desires. Micah corrected me (and it's so important to have individuals, friends, loved ones etc. who correct us, challenge us and hold us accountable) and said, "When you say things like that you make it seem like you're chasing money. We aren't called to chase money babe. I refuse to chase money. I chase God. If God wants us to have X amount of money we will. More money in many cases means more problems. Remember that." -----My first response was to be defensive of course. That's not what I meant. I'm not chasing money! The next day during my quiet time I opened my bible and it was on the book of Ecclesiastes. I decided to stay there and just read through chapter 5 and 6. I encourage you to read the book and those chapters specifically. I was convicted and after reading, I quickly prayed, repented and shared with Micah. 

Those who love money will never have enough. How meaningless to think that wealth brings true happiness! The more you have, the more people come to help you spend it. So what good is wealth-except perhaps to watch it slip through your fingers!--Ecclesiastes 5:10-11 

Here was King Solomon, the richest man in his day, writing about money and was basically saying it was NOT the recipe for happiness. As a man who actually had money I want to believe he knew what he was talking about, not to mention he was also the wisest. If you need a more recent example, think about the celebs you follow on social media or who entertain you. Think about Robin Williams... he had money and fame and he took his own life as a result of depression. You see, money is NEVER the answer. Solomon clearly shows that throughout the books he wrote found in the bible. Chasing money, the pleasures of this world, success, fame or whatever else we've been conditioned to work hard for is meaningless--like chasing the wind. We are here today, gone tomorrow. You could get money today and die leaving it behind tomorrow. That's real. Why are you working your butt off? Is it to make lots of money? To be famous one day? To appear to have it altogether for the outside world? 

Now you may be saying, "So what Nto, I shouldn't work? The bible says a man that does not work should not eat!" You are absolutely right. Of course I am not saying you should not work. You need to work and you need money to take care of things. This post is about your heart and why you spend time doing the things you do. The Holy Spirit reminded me through his word and through Micah that a life focused on loving God and fulfilling HIS purpose far outweighs a life where I am focused on "making it" and chasing money. 

Everything has already been decided. It was known long ago what each person would be. So there's no use arguing with God about your destiny. --Ecclesiastes 6:10

You see, God is sovereign in everything. If he wants you to make only 40 grand a year that's what you're going to make. If he wants you making 100 grand a year, well that's what you're going to make. But ask yourself this, what is the purpose behind you wanting to make more money? Is it for purely selfish reasons? I want to vacation when I want to and where I want to. I want a nicer car. I want to give back more, I want to sponsor a child or children, build a church. I want to help my family more...Ask yourself. Remember God knows our hearts. In the book of James, James spoke about people praying and asking God for things for selfish reasons and expecting God to answer these prayers. Don't be that person. 

Lastly, I want to encourage anyone who is struggling with worry or financial difficulties. Rest assured that God sees you. Be content in whatever season you are in and remind yourself that God alone satisfies. He is your provider. Not your husband. Not your boss. Not that second income. God is your provider. He may USE people or avenues to accomplish his will, but HE is the one who holds your destiny. Chase him. Pursue him...not because you want his things, but because you want him. You need him. It is comforting knowing that God is sovereign and it's something I am working on in terms of reminding myself. Each day I wake up now knowing that yes, I have free will to make certain choices but God is sovereign through it all. 

Micah and I are only dating/courting right now, however we both desire to be married someday because that's God's will for our lives. We both are committed to having a marriage where although God has called him to lead and take care of our family, we know that it's God opening doors and giving us the wisdom to walk out our purpose. We will work and work as if we are working for the Lord himself, however money alone won't bring true happiness. Having money without God and his wisdom? We might as well be broke anyway. I'm praying for individuals, single, dating, married, divorced...who are struggling with worry and fear where money and status is concerned. Some of you may be having arguments or experiencing stress because of it. I pray over you regarding that as well. Dive in to the book of Ecclesiastes tonight... You won't regret it. 

Praying for you...