Thursday, February 14, 2013

Are you wearing your own shoes?

Most people sing in the shower, I usually practice my acting skills, create some dramatic scenes here and there or talk to Jesus. Yes, I spend time in prayer in the shower. The bible tells us to pray without ceasing, so that means I'll pray any and anywhere when needed :) Now let me get back to why I decided to write this. So yes, I was in the shower and I just found myself thinking about role models and mentors. I read a blog written by my sister in Christ earlier this week (such a great blog! She is awesome) and I began to think about my role models, mentors and overall people I looked up to and admired for several reasons. I admire older women who are professionals working hard at their careers, a career that I see myself doing for the rest of my life, God's willing. I admire women who experienced hurt, loss, pain, disappointments and are now living a life filled with love and purpose. I admire women who might have made some mistakes in the past, but have learned from them and applied the lessons learned.  Most of all, I admire women who are have totally and completely surrendered their life to Christ, who clearly have a heart for God and are walking in his purpose. They do things God's way, not the world's way anymore and others can clearly see the fruit in their lives. I admire and respect these type of women wholeheartedly. However, sometimes we take our admiration for our role models are bit too far and miss out on what it's really supposed to be about. I'll explain.

There is nothing wrong with having a mentor, a role model or admiring someone. As, I mentioned before I have a few. I also enjoy mentoring others and I hope to be the type of woman someone looks up to one day. However, as I took my shower I truly believe God placed a message in my heart because I was not even thinking about this, it just suddenly came to me outta nowhere. A message for you reading this, but for me as well. He said: " Yes, having mentors and looking up to other people (everyone should NOT be your role model/mentor. )is good, valuable and necessary, but I want you to observe their steps and take away the overall guideline, NOT walk in their steps and become like them. You are to become more like me." 

There is a difference between learning from someone and our attempt to walk in their steps identically. God has a specific story line for your life. Your story should be different from Susan, Jane's and Mary's. I truly believe God places mentors in our lives not so we can copy them and do everything they do, but so we can see that:
1. God is still working in the lives of his children. He did it for them, he'll do it for you. 
2. So you can ask questions and gain encouragement when you feel discouraged. 
3. To help inspire you

You sell yourself short if you expect, want or purposely try to force your steps and life story to look like someone else's. There were times when I became discouraged when I looked at the lives of others, either professionally, relationship wise and especially their relationship with God and I felt like I was failing. I felt like I was not doing enough, that I should have a committed relationship by now, that I was not as close to God as I should be because this person's relationship seems like it's on point etc.! It was crazy. I slowly began to realize that hey, I can only be me. These people did what God called them to do and he gave them the steps to do it with an overall guideline. I also should follow the overall guideline (for eg. spending alone time with God, getting an education etc.) BUT my steps may look completely different from theirs. My situations, my setbacks, my success stories may look completely different from theirs and that's okay. At the end of the day we both will accomplish what God called us to do, but we will each have our own unique story. Our story may have some similarities, but they will never be identical, nor should it be. How boring is that?

Mentoring can be great! Looking up to people who are doing what you want to do is wonderful, but don't ruin the experience and what it can be by working so hard to emulate what they already have by pressuring yourself to take their steps. Let it flow. Do your part and allow God do the rest. It's between you and him anyway...not them. I'd love to hear your thoughts on role models, mentoring, etc. Do you think it serves more good than bad? Do you have a mentor/role model? How have they helped you grow? Feel free to share in the comment box below!



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