Friday, March 29, 2013

My letter to you today, Good Friday.

Dear *insert your name here*

Today, I remember the cross and what it stands for me: the suffering, the physical pain, the humiliation, the blood shed and the rejection. Jesus, the only perfect man to live on this earth, died a horrific death for me and you. He was completely innocent. He did not deserve the punishment he received, but yet still he did. As horrible at the cross is for what took place on Calvary, and yes, my heart breaks when I think about what Jesus went through. I can't help but be filled with joy because for me the cross represents true love.

Unconditional, sacrificial, selfless, humble, giving and pure love. It was because of the Father and Jesus' love for me that he chose to die a horrific death that he did not deserve. It was because he wants me to be a citizen of heaven and not of a fading world that he came down to earth (giving up his splendor and riches in heaven) to become a man and live the life of a servant. It's because of his compassion and mercy. It's who he is. Love.

He suffered so I won't have to. The whippings, the beatings that tore into his flesh, the nails pounded in his hands and feet, carrying a heavy cross as he bore the sins of the entire world. He was laughed at and they spat on him. The Son of God, God created everything through him and nothing was created except through him, the Word itself..and they treated him like he was worthless and a sinner. The book of John states, that he came into the very world he created, but was not recognized. His very own people rejected him (John 1) If you are a parent, can you imagine being rejected from your own child and treated that way? Yet still, the same world that God created rejected him. They rejected him in the past before Jesus was born, and when he came in the flesh to save the world they rejected him again. Yet still, he died. Why? Love.

The physical agony was horrible, but the spiritual separation from God when Jesus was on that cross was a million times worst. Remember when he was praying in the garden before being arrested? Before leaving he told his disciples his soul was crushed with grief to the point of death (matthew 26:38) That sounds like depression doesn't it? As a counselor, depression is a serious illness. It's not a simple feeling of sadness. It's a type of feeling that leaves you feeling like you are experiencing death itself and your ability to function is deterred. You need help. Jesus even asked his disciples to stay up and keep watch with him. He needed their support. However, he did not rely solely on his disciples (we see they failed anyway because they fell asleep) but he turned to his Father. He prayed. He poured his heart out and even when he asked for help and he let the Father know "hey, this hard, if there is any way that I can get out of this and we can still save our people let me know, but your will be done, not mine." (my interpretation :) ) That shows me that when Jesus felt like he couldn't make it, depression, when the troubles of this world come (and troubles will come) he turned to God in prayer, that is what I am to do as well. He cried out on the cross, "Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?" My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?" He was temporarily separated from God the moment he took on the sins of the entire world. That was the ultimate torture. He experienced alientation from God so we would never have to experience eternal separation from God. Why? Love.

When he looked down and saw his mother, weeping, screaming (I can only imagine what that must have been like for Mary) her first born son, in pain. dying..he tells her, Dear woman, here is your son" and to John, he says, here is your mother." (john 19:26-27) Even in his death, he was still loving, still looking out for the needs of others. He knew his mother would need help. That's the kind of Savior and God we serve. One who is ever faithful, ever loving, caring about our needs and  us. Don't you ever for a minute begin to think that God does not care about your needs. He created you, he knows what you need.

And lastly, he said, "It is finished". His head bowed, and he died.

His death makes me a child of God. His death gives me the opportunity to come humbly, and still boldly to the throne of God in confidence that he hears my cries, that he listens and speaks back to me. His death gives me reassurance that since I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and personal Savior and live a life that is pleasing, honoring and glorifying his name that one day when he returns again, I will be either resurrected from the dead or lifted up in the clouds in heaven (should i still be alive) to reign with him and my heavenly Father for eternity. Oh Jesus. Precious, loving, humble, awesome, just amazing man Jesus. King of Kings and Lord of Lords. His message to us today, is not only that he loves us oh so much, but "Yes, I am coming soon!" (revelation 22:20)

One of my favorite songs to listen to is: How he loves us, by Anthony Evans... listen to it today. Happy Good Friday ya'll. Let us not forget the cross. Love you all!!


Friday, March 22, 2013

The Best Wine

 Jesus turning water into wine. 

The next day there was a wedding celebration in the village of Cana in Galilee. Jesus' mother was there, and Jesus and his disciples were also invited to the celebration. The wine supply ran out during the festivities, so Jesus' mother told him, "They have no more wine". Dear woman, that's not our problem, "Jesus replied. "My time has not yet come." But his mother told the servants, "Do whatever he tells you." Standing nearby were six stone water jars, used for Jewish ceremonial washing. Each could hold twenty to thirty gallons. Jesus told the servants, " Fill the jars with water." When the jars had been filled, he said, "Now dip some out, and take it to the master of ceremonies." So the servants followed his instructions.
When the master of the ceremonies tasted the water that was now wine, not knowing where it had come from (though of course the servants knew) he called the bridegroom over. "A host always serves the best wine first, he said, " Then when everyone has had a lot to drink, he brings out the less expensive wine. But you have kept the best until now!" This miraculous sign at Cana in Galilee was the first time Jesus revealed his glory. And his disciples believed in him. After the wedding he went to Capernaum for a few days with his mother, his brothers and his disciples. (JOHN 2)


Jesus' mother told the servants to do whatever Jesus told them to do. And we clearly see that they obeyed. They did not ask any questions, they did not tweak his instructions to suit what they felt they should do. They obeyed. How often do we try to tweak or twist what we know we need to do because it'll be MUCH easier to do it another way? Just because something is easy doesn't mean it's correct. Also, did you notice that Jesus gave the servants their instructions in steps? Read the story again. He told them to FILL the jars with water first. It was only AFTER they filled the jars did he tell them what to do next, which was dip some out and take it to the master of ceremonies. He could have told them all at once i'm sure. I doubt their memory was THAT bad that they would have forgotten, but he chose not to. Why was that? I have a feeling that he did it that way to test their faith and their obedience.

God provides instructions in steps. He won't tell you step B if you have not shown him that you can obey him with step A. You can never get to the top step on the 2nd floor if you don't move your feet and take one step at time. Yes, we'd all love to fly to the top step, but just like walking the stairs is exercise and strengthens our muscles, taking the long way up and obeying God as he gives you instructions, strengthens you as well. Even in the story where Jesus fed the 5,000. He told the disciples FIRST, tell everyone to sit down. It was AFTER they were seated that he took the loaves and gave thanks. And it was after everyone was full that Jesus told them to pack up the leftovers. What are you being told to do right now?Do you find yourself wondering why you can't figure out your purpose or what God has called you to do? That was me all day, every day. I wanted to know what I was going to do with my life, where I was going to be, who I would be married to, when I would have kids etc., especially the career and relationship area. Those were always my main focuses. No matter how determined I was to figure things out I'd hear this gentle voice say, " Why do you need to know everything? Can't you just trust God and do what he is telling you to do now and wait for the second step?"

Another important thing to take away is that Jesus initially said, "My time has not yet come". Now, he still did the miracle and why he did it after saying that could be discussed, but what baffles me is that Jesus, The Son of God, works on a schedule. God is the author of time. He created it and yet still he says ever so often "Not yet, it's not time." This was not the last time Jesus said my time has not yet come either. What are you getting depressed about? What have you been worrying about receiving or doing? If it's not happening, it could be that it's simply not your time. Does that mean it will never happen? No. We need to understand that God can give us desires, or show us our purpose for our life, career, relationships, finances etc. but just because he shows you something does not mean it will happen right away. Stop trying to turn your future into your present. My path has changed slightly and I know what God has called me to do. It was not my original plan, but lately, my desires have changed. Now, because I know what I will be doing in 10 years I could try to rush it to make it happen now. I mean, God showed me his plans for me right? But, even though I'd be doing what he's called me to do, I would still be OUTSIDE his will because he did not tell me to go and make it happen. He just answered my prayer and showed me.

"The vision is for a future time. It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed." Habakkuk 2:3

God does not delay. He is always right on time. 

Lastly, the results of the servants obedience and faith is also a lesson. The master of ceremonies praised the bridegroom. "This wine is ALL that" lol (my interpretation) It was the best he said. The product of our obedience will always create the best stories, best success, best everything in our life. Those who hope in the Lord will not be disappointed. Too many times we act as though if we do life God's way that life will be boring or just average. You are walking on an entire new level when you do things his way. He's got you. You have to live like you believe it. It is impossible to please God without faith.

So spend some time reflecting. What is God asking you to do that you have not done because you are waiting for him to tell you more or something else? What are you worrying about when it's simply not your time? And lastly, Don't you want a story or a life that's ALL THAT? The best? Anything Jesus puts his hands on never remains the same. He made the lame walk, the blind see, raised the dead, turned water into wine and fed 5000 people with a few fish and loaves of bread. He multiplies!!! I want him touching my life. I want him holding my life.

God bless!!

Friday, March 15, 2013

2 Kings 5: 10-14 (new international version)

 Elisha sent a messenger to say to him, "Go, wash yourself seven times in the Jordan and your flesh will be restored and be cleansed." But Naaman went away angry and said, "I thought that he would surely come out to me and stand and call on the name of the Lord his God, wave his hand over the spot and cure me of my leprosy. Are not Abana and Pharpa, the rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel? Couldn't  I wash in them and be cleansed?" So he turned and went off in a rage. Naaman's servants went to him and said, "My father if the prophet had told you to do some great thing, would you not have done it? How much more, then, when he tells you, "wash and be cleansed!" So he went down and dipped himself in the Jordan seven times, as the man of God had told him, and his flesh was restored and became clean like that of a young boy.

Brief overview: Naaman was an important person in his country. He was the commander of his army and the King of Aram (where he lived) admired him greatly because he was a mighty warrior. However, he suffered from leprosy which was a really bad disease that affected the skin back in those days. Most people with leprosy was actually quarantined in places because it was a contagious, and often times incurable disease that  ended in death. Naaman's leprosy could have been in the early stages which explained why he still had his post as commander. Nonetheless, leprosy was anything but cute or enjoyable, early stages or not, so he wanted to be healed. It was Naaman's wife's servant girl, who happened to be an Israelite, that served the role as the person to tell him about the prophet that could heal him. Naaman decided to do this and traveled to Israel to meet Elisha. 

Now let's get back to this. So Naaman arrives at this prophet's (Elisha) house and is shocked and in fact angry that he does not step out of his house to meet him. Remember, this was an important man. Not only was he used to being treated with the utmost respect, but in his head he's probably thinking "I even brought gifts for this man and he's not even coming out to MEET ME??" In addition to that, Naaman could not believe what he was hearing. Elisha wanted him to wash in the Jordan river. He was expecting him to say some fancy prayer perhaps, look into the heavens, make him repeat a few things, maybe rub some special holy ointment on his body or something. No way did he expect this man to tell him to dip in the Jordan River.  The Jordan river? This river was small and dirty. He was used to clean, beautiful, big things.

Naaman was heated. He was beyond angry. I am sure I would be too. I traveled all this way for this? There is no way I am going to be healed. Thankfully, Naaman had a pretty smart servant. Scroll back to the top and read what he said, I actually bolded it. Long story short he pretty much said, "With all due respect sir, this man has told you to do something really simple. This task should be much easier than if he asked you to do something bigger or more difficult. If it was hard, you would have done it, how much easier should it be for you to obey because it's simple?" We were not told Naaman's response or reaction, perhaps he resisted for a bit or maybe he came to his senses and simply obeyed. Regardless of what happened during that conversation we do know that Naaman dipped in the Jordan river, not once, twice, but seven times and he came up healed on that seventh time!!!

There were so many things I took away from this short story when I read it this time around. I've heard the story as a child in Sabbath school, but reading these stories and studying the bible after you've experienced some bits and pieces of life and gaining spiritual maturity is another story. I want to share some things I took away and some things for you to think about as well.

Firstly, obedience begins with humilityNaaman had to lose his pride before he dipped in the Jordan. If he never humbled himself to wash in the Jordan, he would not have received his healing, his blessing. Is pride a struggle for you? It may not come in the form of dipping in a river, but maybe you have a job that you think is below your qualifications and intelligence, but God is trying to show you that you are there for a reason. Or maybe you're working too many jobs because you like buying expensive things and God wants you to have only one job so you can do volunteer work on the side, but you refuse to because of the money. Perhaps you are holding onto a grudge with someone that you should be reconciling with, but you can't because you don't want to look weak or be the first one to apologize. Our pride can hold us back from so much, maybe at that job that's below you, you'll meet a really good friend, or maybe if you started working for free and doing some volunteer work, you'd do such a great job and get hired for something else with a better pay. And maybe, if you called that friend up that you don't speak to anymore, you could rekindle a relationship that will bring you comfort in the future. The fact is we don't know what will be the end result of our obedience. Seek humility, and obedience becomes that much easier. Also, good things don't always have to come in packages that "look" good. God could have commanded Elisha to tell him to use a larger, cleaner river, but he did not. Why the Jordan? I think it's because the message behind that is more important. God can use anything and any situation, poor, rich, ugly, gorgeous, clean or dirty. He'll use it. If we sought humility more these things would not be pressing.

God's ways are best and he wants our obedience more than anything. To love God is to obey God, remember? Don't forget it. We can scream I love you Lord from the rooftops, but our actions will show whether we truly do or not. Naaman also expected his healing to "look/be done a certain way". How many times do we allow our expectations and what we want to step in the way of our healing or blessing? This one was a big one for me. I had so many expectations and plans and guess what, 9/10 of my expectations did not turn out the way I wanted it to. I needed that lesson. At times we think way too highly of ourselves than we ought to and we act like gods of our own lives. You are NOT God. There is nothing wrong with having plans and creating goals. Have plans, have goals, but ALWAYS make sure it's what God wants and if you are not sure, then leave room for him changing it a few times.

What i mean by that is this, don't let your expectations keep you from your blessing just because it did not come packaged the way you thought it would. God is a God of wonder. He works in mysterious ways and uniquely in all of our lives. In Isaiah 49:23 God himself says, "Those who hope in me will not be disappointed." God can use anything to accomplish his purposes, even the dirty Jordan river. :)

So today I encourage you to reflect on your life, thoughts and actions you take on a daily basis. Who or what are you placing your hope in? If God wanted you to do something extraordinary, something that appears so challenging to our visible eye would you do it? Or what if he wanted you to do something really simple, like apologize to someone, to give a 20 dollar bill to a stranger in need would you do it? Naaman was cleansed from leprosy that day as he dipped in the Jordan River. We too need daily cleansing. Thank God for the blood of Jesus. Purify yourself physically, mentally and emotionally. Dip seven times. It's so simple and on the other side of your obedience is healing for your body, mind and soul. God bless you all!!


Friday, March 1, 2013


God loves you. Right where you are, regardless of what you've done or even what you're doing that you KNOW you should not be doing, he still loves you. He hates sin and can have no part with it because he is God and HOLY (hence why Jesus came and died on the cross, now we can be right with God and approach him humbly and boldly at the same time, whew! praise him!) This post is for the person who is walking with Christ now and trying to live right now, but your past keeps creeping back. This could be in the form of others "reminding" you of how you used to be or maybe the guilt of your past behaviors and mistakes  are still controlling you. You've asked for forgiveness, you are no longer doing the same mistakes or things you used to, you've accepted Jesus as your Savior, you're reading the bible and going to church etc. You are doing all this and growing in your relationship with him, but you still carry baggage and not good enough feelings with you on a daily basis. We are told to guard our hearts for a reason. You can't afford to entertain EVERY thought that enters your mind or every feeling that may come your way. Living a life based on pure emotions is dangerous and so draining. I wore myself out when I lived that way. Seriously. You have to live life based on truth. 

What is truth? Truth is knowing that yes, I may feel like crap right now, or this person really made me mad over this situation, but I KNOW that I will get over it and it's not a big deal so i refuse to stress myself over this. Truth is KNOWING and BELIEVING that when Christ enters your life (for real, for real) and you start living like it and you ask him for forgiveness, your sins are forgiven and God remembers them no more. He's not saying, " Well, Nto on x,y, z date you did this and it was wrong, I did not forget about that" I am blameless in his sight. Those past sins have no power over me anymore. I am forgiven. 

We live our lives not simply according to what we know, but rather what we believe. 

Do you believe that God has forgiven you? I love Psalms 103. Take some time and read the entire psalm. It's so beautiful, so comforting, a must read for everyone. Verses 8 through 13 says this (according to new living translation version): 

" The Lord is compassionate and merciful, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. He will not constantly accuse us, nor remain angry forever. He does not punish us for all our sins deserve. For his unfailing love toward those who fear him is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth. He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west. The Lord is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him." 

Such perfect love. You won't ever find this type of love anywhere. You know how HARD it is to forgive someone who has hurt you, truly forgive them? You may still keep them in your life and you may genuinely love them, but ever so often what they did may creep in your thoughts, you feel the hurt all over again and when they do something else, you find yourself bringing up what they did in the PAST in their face. Yup, you haven't truly forgiven if you did. I still have a few people in my life that I need to really forgive. I pray about this daily (with a host of other things :) ) However, this post is for those who need to forgive themselves. Let it go. God loves you. He has forgiven you. His love for you runs so deep. His compassion is like nothing you will ever find. You won't find that in no man or no woman for sure. I can tell you that much. I honestly believe only when you have completely surrendered your life to God, yearn for him with a never ending passion and allow his love to mold you, allow him to teach you his ways including how to TRULY LOVE, will you be capable of loving another human being with a love that is so incredible and passionate. You will learn how to love yourself and others better. Don't dwell on the past, what you did, what you did not do. Start anew today. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. 

Say this prayer,
"Dear Heavenly Father,
Your word says you love me and when I honestly ask for forgiveness you remember my sins no more. When I feel guilty and begin to dwell on my past, help me to let it go and give it to you Lord. I need your help to forgive others and myself. Thank you for forgiving me and loving me regardless of the heartbreak I caused you when I sinned. You are so worthy, so faithful, filled with mercy and compassion. I want to live for you and love you with all my heart. Help me to obey your word, because that pleases you and shows that I really love you. Guide me in all truth Father. In Jesus, precious name I pray. 

I love you all :) 