Friday, March 29, 2013

My letter to you today, Good Friday.

Dear *insert your name here*

Today, I remember the cross and what it stands for me: the suffering, the physical pain, the humiliation, the blood shed and the rejection. Jesus, the only perfect man to live on this earth, died a horrific death for me and you. He was completely innocent. He did not deserve the punishment he received, but yet still he did. As horrible at the cross is for what took place on Calvary, and yes, my heart breaks when I think about what Jesus went through. I can't help but be filled with joy because for me the cross represents true love.

Unconditional, sacrificial, selfless, humble, giving and pure love. It was because of the Father and Jesus' love for me that he chose to die a horrific death that he did not deserve. It was because he wants me to be a citizen of heaven and not of a fading world that he came down to earth (giving up his splendor and riches in heaven) to become a man and live the life of a servant. It's because of his compassion and mercy. It's who he is. Love.

He suffered so I won't have to. The whippings, the beatings that tore into his flesh, the nails pounded in his hands and feet, carrying a heavy cross as he bore the sins of the entire world. He was laughed at and they spat on him. The Son of God, God created everything through him and nothing was created except through him, the Word itself..and they treated him like he was worthless and a sinner. The book of John states, that he came into the very world he created, but was not recognized. His very own people rejected him (John 1) If you are a parent, can you imagine being rejected from your own child and treated that way? Yet still, the same world that God created rejected him. They rejected him in the past before Jesus was born, and when he came in the flesh to save the world they rejected him again. Yet still, he died. Why? Love.

The physical agony was horrible, but the spiritual separation from God when Jesus was on that cross was a million times worst. Remember when he was praying in the garden before being arrested? Before leaving he told his disciples his soul was crushed with grief to the point of death (matthew 26:38) That sounds like depression doesn't it? As a counselor, depression is a serious illness. It's not a simple feeling of sadness. It's a type of feeling that leaves you feeling like you are experiencing death itself and your ability to function is deterred. You need help. Jesus even asked his disciples to stay up and keep watch with him. He needed their support. However, he did not rely solely on his disciples (we see they failed anyway because they fell asleep) but he turned to his Father. He prayed. He poured his heart out and even when he asked for help and he let the Father know "hey, this hard, if there is any way that I can get out of this and we can still save our people let me know, but your will be done, not mine." (my interpretation :) ) That shows me that when Jesus felt like he couldn't make it, depression, when the troubles of this world come (and troubles will come) he turned to God in prayer, that is what I am to do as well. He cried out on the cross, "Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?" My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?" He was temporarily separated from God the moment he took on the sins of the entire world. That was the ultimate torture. He experienced alientation from God so we would never have to experience eternal separation from God. Why? Love.

When he looked down and saw his mother, weeping, screaming (I can only imagine what that must have been like for Mary) her first born son, in pain. dying..he tells her, Dear woman, here is your son" and to John, he says, here is your mother." (john 19:26-27) Even in his death, he was still loving, still looking out for the needs of others. He knew his mother would need help. That's the kind of Savior and God we serve. One who is ever faithful, ever loving, caring about our needs and  us. Don't you ever for a minute begin to think that God does not care about your needs. He created you, he knows what you need.

And lastly, he said, "It is finished". His head bowed, and he died.

His death makes me a child of God. His death gives me the opportunity to come humbly, and still boldly to the throne of God in confidence that he hears my cries, that he listens and speaks back to me. His death gives me reassurance that since I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and personal Savior and live a life that is pleasing, honoring and glorifying his name that one day when he returns again, I will be either resurrected from the dead or lifted up in the clouds in heaven (should i still be alive) to reign with him and my heavenly Father for eternity. Oh Jesus. Precious, loving, humble, awesome, just amazing man Jesus. King of Kings and Lord of Lords. His message to us today, is not only that he loves us oh so much, but "Yes, I am coming soon!" (revelation 22:20)

One of my favorite songs to listen to is: How he loves us, by Anthony Evans... listen to it today. Happy Good Friday ya'll. Let us not forget the cross. Love you all!!


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