Friday, April 19, 2013

One day

On my way home on Wednesday I found myself staring at the sky. It was beautiful. The sun was shining, sky was blue, a few clouds and it just looked breathtaking. It made me think about Heaven and God. I imagined him sitting on his throne, looking down on the world he created. I am sure some things made him smile and I am pretty confident that many things broke his heart. This world is so messed up. The devil is having a party here and using so many people to create havoc, pain, stress, disappointments and the like. I couldn't help but thing... why aren't you coming back now? Today? 

I remembered Peter's words. He said that God was not being slow about his promise to return, he is being patient for our sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, he wants all to repent, however he IS coming and it will be very unexpected. I smiled to myself as I meditated on the scripture and because I keep my bible on me AT ALL TIMES :) , I opened it up and did some reading. I am at peace when I study God's word. I just feel a lot better, so much closer to him. I have people say to me all the time, " If God was real wouldn't I hear him, feel him, be close to him? I've tried. I feel nothing." And my response to that is always this, " Are you spending time with him? Are you communicating with him constantly through prayer? Are you sinning?" Just like we'd say that a person cannot have a relationship with two women or two men and be faithful to both of them and give both the required affection and attention they deserve (and no it cannot be done. there is always a "main" and a "side" or whatever) It's the same way with God. We cannot be doing our own thing, sinning continually and then wondering why we don't feel as close to God as we should. 

I'll be honest with you. When i was doing things I should not do AND still going to church and reading the bible here and there, i felt NOTHING. I would pray and i felt NOTHING. I would say i trusted God but my actions said otherwise. When we trust God, we do what he says. When we trust God, our circumstances don't break us. When we trust God, we are at peace. It was only AFTER I walked away from my strongholds/sinful behaviors is when I really got to know Jesus. I reallllly got to know him. And he is simply wonderful. He is so forgiving, so loving. It's mind blowing to know that he knows EVERYTHING i have ever done and he still loves me. He knows every bad decision, every hurt, every lie. He knows it all and he sees me as spotless in his sight now. That makes me wanna shout honestly!!! I just love him and I am so thankful for his patience. His patience gave me time to rededicate my life to him. 

Peter's advice to us believers who are waiting for his return is this: Make every effort to be found living peaceful lives that are pure and blameless in his sight. Be on guard so that we won't be carried away, and grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3). I encourage you to re-read the book of Peter tonight. The world we live in is tough. Things happen that we don't understand, living in a fallen world means that will be the case. The devil has been using people as puppets for so long, getting us to do his will rather than God's. God won't ever force anybody to do anything. He is God, but he gave us free will. He wanted to create people, not robots. Some people do good with their free will and others wreak havoc and destruction with theirs. 

Let's not blame God for what is happening in this world, but yet still we choose not to talk about him openly. He's taken out of schools, even some churches aren't preaching biblical truth. A time is coming where there will be no more pain, no more suffering and I will be able to sit at my Savior's feet, kiss him and listen to him as he speaks. A time where I could walk and not have to worry about my safety. A time where I would never feel rejection, hurt or disappointment again. Heaven and the new earth will be awesome. He will create all new things and my body will be glorious! Praise God. I am so deeply in love, ya'll have no idea man. He is so faithful... so very faithful. Don't be shaken by the things happening around you. Rest. He is coming. Lord Jesus come.  


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