Friday, May 3, 2013

Where is your confidence?

Hey everyone,

I have not written anything on here in awhile (I have been pretty BUSY and when i am not busy, i am SO tired :( ) Nonetheless, despite the fact that I am still pretty tired I decided to write something  brief and offer some encouragement to anyone who needs it. I also wanted to share some things I have been realizing these past few weeks. Bare with me :)

1.You are NOT God. Do not depend on yourself as if you are.

  • I know I am about to make some independent people up in here a little mad. We live in a world that hungers for independence. Most people want to be independent. I also want to be independent and I will be honest with you guys I am nowhere close to where I want to be, but it is something I strive for daily, however I find that it is so easy to begin to think of ourselves as gods of our lives. You know how that is, you got a degree here, you making money over there, you moved out your parents living it up pretty large if you know what I mean. Yes, you may be able to provide for yourself here on earth, but don't forget where the gifts, the knowledge, the skills or talent you have that allowed you to do so, came from. I had some pretty good news come my way recently and I begin to imagine the future I know God promised me in my head and I got so incredibly excited. I saw HUGE things. I am still excited. However, I had to check myself honestly, because I began to spend more time thinking about my future, instead of my God who is the REASON for my future, my dreams, my goals. I prayed silently when I realized this and said,  

"Lord, I want to do big things. I want to help so many people and make a difference. I want to write books, I want to travel, I want to teach, I want to create programs for young people and women. I want to be a great mother and wife someday, but please Lord, don't EVER let me get so accomplished or do SO well that pride takes over and I forget you. I don't want to worship myself or my accomplishments. I want to worship YOU and YOU alone for the rest of my life. Help me to remain focused on you but still enjoy the gifts and blessings you send my way. " 

Not depending on yourself and acting as if you are God is so important. It's important when things are going great and it's important when things are going bad. That way, you don't beat yourself up over the cares of this world. Before I re-dedicated my life to Jesus I used to worry about EVERYTHING. Now don't get me wrong, I still have a "concerned" personality :) but, I no longer cry over things I have no control over. And if I do cry, I cry to God. I am honest with him. Do you realize God already knows everything? Yet still, turning to him and pouring our hearts out seem to be so difficult at times. He created you. He knows you. He wants us to depend on him. He wants to be our rock, our strength, our portion. The bible does not say "Cast your cares on him because he cares for you" for decoration you know! It's a command. I personally think it's a request. I imagine God looking down at his children when we stress, worry and drive ourselves crazy with life's issues, shaking his head as he speaks to us firmly and still softly " Why can't you give it to me? Why can't you lean on me? Why are you carrying around a load that you were NEVER built to carry. I am your God. Give me your heart AND your worries, I am here"

2. Do not depend on other humans. Humans are also not gods.

This one is another major one. It is easy to get caught up with thinking that another person is in control of our dreams coming true. Whether it's the hiring manager hiring you for your dream job, someone selling you the car you really need and they promised you they would etc. I don't know everything people deal with, but I do know we can depend on others way too much. Now, don't get me wrong. I am NOT saying that you should never ask for help, or accept assistance. God uses people ALL the time. Again, i will say GOD USES people all the time. Be thankful for their help, appreciate the individuals in your life who have given you opportunities and support, however, keep that gratitude in perspective. So yes they may be holding the cards to whether or not you get this job, but guess what? God is right there watching, whispering in their ear "Hire, or do not hire" either way the decision does not come to him as a surprise. It is all working out for the good of those who love the Lord. Psalm 146:3 says, " Don't put your confidence in powerful people, there is no help for you there." Where is your confidence? In other people? In yourself? Or in the Almighty? The first two are fickle, and imperfect. The last, remains the same, faithful and good. I don't know about you, but I rather trust the CREATOR of the universe over somebody who breathes, sleeps and has blood running through their veins the same way I do.

In John 12:28 Jesus said that his father will honor those who serve him. If we are truly serving Jesus and living lives that are pleasing in God's sight we really have nothing to worry about. One of my FAVORITE scriptures is Psalm 84:11 and 12. Anytime a door closes and I become sad (and it's okay to be disappointed and feel down. God gave us emotions. I don't think you should hide how you feel it's how you deal with it that truly matters), but whenever a door closes or i tell myself that I should have this, or that or I begin to get envious of somebody else I repeat it over and over. God's word is truth, my emotions are not. They do not indicate my future and the plans he has for me. If I continue to do my part he will do the rest. My heart's desires will become his desires for me and I will receive them and WANT THEM!! It reads,

" For the Lord God is our sun and shield. He gives us grace and glory. 
The Lord will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right. 
O Lord of Heaven's Armies, what joy for those who trust in you. " 

God is in control. Not you. Not powerful people. Not your boss. Not your teacher. Not your mother or whoever else. Heaven is his throne and earth is his footstool. Rest IN him and rest assured that no matter what comes your way, he will honor those who honor him. 

Be blessed guys.

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