Saturday, January 11, 2014

Classy, Purposeful and Walking in God's Favor Challenge: Mary, the mother of Jesus

As I sat here and thought about beginning this challenge, I was led to Mary, the mother of Jesus. How could I begin it with anybody else? This was the woman who found favor in God's eyes. What does that mean? It means God gave her special regard, he showed exceptional kindness and generosity to her because she pleased him.

Luke 1:26-38 shares the story of Mary and the angel who appeared to her and informed her about her soon to be pregnancy. I can only imagine what that must have been like. Think about it for awhile. Mary was a young woman, in the process of probably planning her wedding to Joseph. Even if she was not planning or overly excited about it, marrying him was probably her main focus during that time. As women we tend to be planners. We plan our attire, careers, and family life. Some even go as far as planning their weddings before being found by their husbands. I'm sure Mary's first mental reaction was "Woa, this was not a part of the plan. What does this angel mean by I am highly favored? What's happening here?" According to the Word, Mary asked ONE question pertaining to the news she was given, "How will this be, since I am a virgin?" Once the angel told her how, through the power of the Holy Spirit, she simply responded, "I am the Lord's servant. May your word to me be fulfilled."

WOW! That's it Mary? Sad to say, many of us would probably have asked a few more questions. If you won't be honest and admit it, I will. I would have wanted to know what people were going to say once my belly started to grow. I also would have asked the angel if God was sure he wanted me to do the job. In addition to that, what about Joseph? Will this man believe me? What will happen to my wedding? But Mary did not ask any of these questions. She accepted God's promise and pretty much said, "Alright Lord, whatever you say goes. I am available to you. "

Mary's humility is astonishing and it is a great example for all women of God. We should aspire to be have this form of humility and submission in relation to our Savior. Despite our professional jobs, high degrees (which are not bad), our first priority should always be being available to God, even if it means saying goodbye to something we wanted, something we planned for. Like Mary we too should say, "I am your servant." 

It's also important to note that Mary conceived through the power of the Holy Spirit. Many of us neglect the Holy Spirit and believe that God only manifested his strength and power in bible days. Wrong! Instead, we rely on ourselves or others to make things happen. We place all of our trust in what we have, what we know, who we know etc. Greater is he that is in you than he who is in the world. Do you remember that? Do you believe that? Don't place all your trust in your jobs, education or social status. People lose jobs like they lose pennies. It's really not promised. Trust God above all things. It does not matter at the of the day who you are. Yes, I am in a PhD program and God willing, I will be Dr. Malone (or insert married last name here if it happens) however, my title means absolutely nothing in God's eyes. He used fishermen and prostitutes (Rahab) to do his work before. God does not need my title to do big things in my life. What matters is who HE IS and because of who he is, and who I am because of HIM and ONLY HIM, I can trust that once I trust him, follow his commandments, his purpose for my life will be accomplished. The angel told Mary, "For no word from God will ever fail!" Note it, remember it and stick it wherever you need to see it everyday. God's word does not fail!

So can you be a professional, modern day, boss like lady and still have an attitude like Mary? Absolutely. It's what I am striving for. Having a spirit like Mary is simply living a life in humility and placing God's will for your life above your own and anybody else's.

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