Wednesday, January 1, 2014

I am Sarai

Many people look down on Sarai/Sarah or they know her as the woman who laughed at God's promise, the woman who made her husband sleep with her servant so she could have a baby or the woman who treated that servant harshly after she had her own son. However, if we were all honest with ourselves, we all would admit that we are Sarai's and Sarah's. Our desire to be obedient to God's will sometimes creates a spirit of restlessness. We get overly excited about God's promises to us and that spirit of excitement which by itself is a good thing becomes a distraction, stirs up an impatient attitude and/or discontentment. Prior to God's promise we were upset or discontent that we lacked our heart's desire. Once we received his word and a peace in our heart that it will come to pass we then become discontent that we don't have it currently. We become restless and impatient and God's plans for our lives suddenly becomes our plans because let's face it, sometimes God simply takes too long (according to our agendas and mind)

Sarai and Abram were told that they would receive a son, however we all know that Sarai gave her servant, Hagar, to her husband as a secondary wife so she could bare him a son. Tired of waiting, she took matters into her own hands and we know how that turned out. Once Hagar became pregnant, their relationship became one with contempt and abuse. Hagar ran away as a result of it. Once Sarai, now Sarah bore Isaac things did not improve. Her restlessness and acting in her own power and strength, rather than waiting produced disastrous results.

The need to take control and manipulate situations to align with our needs and desires instead of God's will; results in chaos, heartbreaks and confusion. 

When we try to accomplish God's plan for our lives in our own timing and in our own way, although we still will receive his plan for our lives because it is HIS purpose, by rushing the process we end up causing unnecessary pain along the way. We persuade others to come along in our plan instead of his, we no longer live as loving, faithful followers but may turn to plotting against or with others and become abusive schemers (Genesis 16:6). 

Saying yes to God's plan for our lives and saying yes to him as your Lord and Savior is NEVER the hard part. The waiting on him and for that promise is. 

We may look around and see people outside God's will accomplishing great things. They seem happy with these perfect lives. They have the relationships, the jobs, the money, the marriages, the children etc. and we begin to question him. We question whether or not he's forgotten us or if he's even there. We question if we are doing something wrong or received the wrong promise. Personally, I have always struggled in relationships. I always desired marriage, however ever so often as relationships and friendships fail, people make choices that disappoint and/or I find myself without a beau on new year's eve I question God and whether or not his plan for my life is singleness. As we question God, we may fall short at times. However, I am so thankful that he is still so faithful. 

Far too often we rely on people and ourselves to accomplish HIS plan for our life. Don't ever forget that God alone is God. He is ultimately in control. The medical exam results may say otherwise, that man or woman who does not want you may say otherwise but as believers we are called to trust in God and lean not on our own understanding. Don't put your hope in mere mortals who are as frail as you are. It's never easy waiting, however if you are in a waiting period there is a reason. Ask God to show you and speak to you during that season. Don't let your excitement turn into restlessness. 

We all can learn a few things from Sarah and Abraham. We learn that it is always best to wait on God and trust him. We learn that nothing is too improbable or impossible for his sovereignty and power. We learn that ALL things even our sins and shortcomings can work together for good. We learn that he is faithful and keeps his word. 

I pray that regardless of what you are waiting on today or this new year, 2014..I pray that you wait in HIM, lean ON him and keep focused. Don't be restless, don't laugh at his promises and believe your situation is far too gone for the Almighty to work with. His power works best in your weaknesses anyway. No matter how your year ended... with a heart filled with joy, a heart with a few scars or a heart broken in pieces, I pray that you find restoration, peace and love in the Lover of your soul, Jesus. Until you feel that love because let's be honest, at times we don't FEEL it and we sit alone, miserable and teary eyed stressing over problems outside of our control or over people who aren't stressing over us..until you feel his peace, presence and love, just whisper his name as often as needed. "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus"...something happens when he's called. 

Happy New Year everyone! Make it great. xoxo 

1 comment:

  1. This is so true, we fall so many times because we are impatient. we know that God has a wonderful plan for us, he even sends prophets and different signs to let us know how amazing his plans are but we don't like to wait. As u said God's plan will all prevail but we create a mess when we don't put our complete trust in him. But God is faithful and he wants the best for us like any good father does and even though we mess up he creates rivers in dry places he's just great.
